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Friday, March 30, 2012

April Fools Party is here!

Yup, thats right folks!
Yours truly is gonna show you around this party!

Here is the Town.
Here you can pick up your first free item!
The Blue Propeler Hat!

Here is the snow forts, where you go to enter the Box Dimension!
I wouldn't be a blogger if I left out the box dimension!
hEre there are Nine rooms to explore!

The middle one is for members.

Aaaaaand here is the members only room! Here you can grow or shrink, pick up the box costume and have fun! (pick up hat in cream soda dimension)

Final Comments:

I don't like this party :I It has gotten unwacky!

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  1. Hi Jt we need to see us again to finish the video , I hope you check this comment today ,you need to think about it , see you!

  2. Ok! I checked on the 3rd. It said there was a commeent but there wasn't!


Rocking Comments

All images except those taken directly from the Club Penguin website are directly owned by the Megacpstorm crew. Do not take any pictures without approval first.