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Paint by Letters Coin Guide

Hullo all! Beaksworth here. You know those Paint by Letter books in the Book Room? They have SUPER SECRET coins in 'em that more than double the amount of coins you'd get from typing the book normally. You collect these coins by clicking on them. There is 1 coin for each page except for the last one (the brown-colored page at the end of every book). Here are the locations of all of the coins in each of the 3 books.

My Puffle

On the 1st page, type up the ENTIRE page before you do anything else. Once that's done and your puffle walks outside, click and hold onto the door, dragging it all the way to the left. This opens up the door to reveal coin numero uno!

(For this guide, type in Dock when you're given a choice between words.) On this 2nd page, type up the page again and wait for the animation to end. Once it's over, click on the pump's handle. The penguin behind it will use it to inflate the intertube so that it's all bouncy and stuff. The penguin sitting on this intertube will fly into the air; underneath him is coin numbah two!
You should know what to do by now. On page 3, type it up and watch the animation. Once that's over, click and hold onto the boat. Move your mouse up while still holding on to the boat. It should fly up off the page. When it comes back down to the ground, you should see a coin hop up from behind the penguin on the right. Keep doing this until the coin is high enough in the air for you to click on it. You've found coin three!

One page 4, click on the top of the page (the blue part). Hold on and drag your mouse down until you see the coin. Wait until the coin is at about the middle of the page so that when you let go of the page to click on it you'll have enough time to do so. Aaaaand you've found number FOUR!

Page 5 is basically the same thing as 4, except this time when you try to click on the coin it'll be moving all over the place. When your mouse is on the left side of the coin, the coin will go left. Same thing when your mouse is on the right of the coin. Use this strategy to help you get coin number five--the last coin in the book!
And here's the last page of this book. There aren't any hidden coins on this page, but I thought that the picture was cute :P
If you found all 5 of the coins (if you didn't, you have a serious problem) you should see this screen, and also be 250 coins richer!

Lime Green Dojo Clean

Here we go again with another PBL book. On page 1, once you've finished typing the page, click on the mop and drag it upwards. This'll make it go on the other side of the window. Click on the mop again and drag it all the over the screen until you discover the 1st coin. It'll be just above and to the left of your penguin's head.
On page 2, click on the container and drag it upwards to reveal coin #2.
Once your penguin gets all splattered with lime green paint on page 3, there'll be a particularly large green blob just above its head. Click on it and "shake" it (click on the blob and move your mouse from left to right very quickly). Then you should have the 3rd coin.
Okay, so page 4 is a little bit weird. Take your mouse and center it BELOW the penguin on the floor. Without clicking, move your mouse up towards the penguin so that he smacks himself against the wall. If he doesn't float up to the ceiling then, then just keep smackin' that loser against the wall until he does. Once he's on the ceiling, move your mouse to the right of him. Move your mouse left, towards the penguin, until he covers the hole in the ceiling. Coin number 4 will fall out!
For page 5, just type up the page like normal and WAIT for a few seconds. Your penguin will eventually scoot off of the page. Once he does, a pattern will appear on the wall. Repeat this pattern and the door will open to reveal coin numero 5.

All you have to do for page 6 is click on the container and drag it to the right. Coin number 6 is yours.

TIME FOR PAGE 7. When the little lightbulbs appears over the green penguin's head, click on it. The page will turn black, with the lightbulb falling to the ground. Once it hits the bottom of the page it'll light up, and you need to click and drag it to the green lightbulb outline without hitting anything else. There are 3 very, very short "mazes" you have  to go through to get coin number 7.

Time for the last page, page 8. Once the animation is OVER, click on the air plug on the octopus's head. Pull it in any direction you want, any from the octopus. This'll pull the plug free and the poor guy will go zipping all over the place. Once he lands, collect coin number 8.


At the end of all this, you should be 800 coins richer.

Burnt Out Bulbs
And here is the LAST PBL book! (NOTE: some images will have better quality than others, because my computer is slow and one coin in particular is a pain in the butt to get unless I have my quality settings on low. Hopefully this won't interfere with the guide.)
On page 1, you'll notice that when the lights turn out, you can see a little hockey puck is still visible. Move your mouse to the right of it and "push" it left, off of the screen. Then move you mouse to the right. The puck will slide pack into view, along with the first coin.

For page 2, the coin is above your penguin friend's head, in the top left hand corner of the page.

On page 3, click on the top of the piano and drag it upwards for coin #3.
On page 4, click on the birdhouse clock. The bird will pop out with the fourth coin.

(Again, sorry about the bad quality.) On page 5, you need to drag the floorboards away to uncover the coin. Drag the first "layer" down, the next one up, and the next two to the sides. This should reveal coin number 5.

On page 6, you need to match up the tiles on the dance floor with the squares on the picture on the wall. For example: in the picture, the top left hand corner is yellow. So, I'd click on the top left hand corner of the dance floor until it turned yellow. Got it? You only need to copy the first two rows to get coin #6.

AND NOW FOR THE FINAL COIN, ON PAGE 7. Click on the piece of the hockey rink in front of your penguin and drag it upwards to get the final coin.

I didn't take a picture of the results page for you this time, because the screen for it is a complete MESS since my settings are so low. Sorry.

Now you know all of the secret coin locations in the PBL books!
All images except those taken directly from the Club Penguin website are directly owned by the Megacpstorm crew. Do not take any pictures without approval first.