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Friday, June 3, 2011

New cp log in buttons! :(

This is my post where i do not save my angry comments for another post. CP is rapidly becoming a different game. They have changed everything and more change is to come. If you have been playing cp for about 3 years, like I have, you can notice a huge difference. It is my belief that Billybob is no longer in complete power of cp anymore. Billybob would never have done this, this, horrible thing to Club Penguin.They have BANNED many of the previous parties which were actually GOOD! Quests 2 and 3 of the medieval party were fun, but think, would that have ever happened to old cp?The last GOOD party was the Festival of filght, and that was a LOOOONG time ago.The sport shop is gone, the pet shop is completely different with horrible new puffle looks, the dance lounge is completely awful, the Everyday Phoning Facility is in ruins, the PSA is GONE,everything is now about being a member (which is dislike), the newspaper is AWFUL!. Now cp has gone a tad bit across the line........ They changed the home screen look! The look has stayed the same for i dont know HOW many years! Now they just up and changed it. Disney saved CP and


it at the same time!

The only rooms that are the same now are the cove, the pool, the gift shop, dance club, coffee shop, book room ,ski hill, dock, beacon,Ski Lodge,and pizza parlor. Personally, the town is my favorite room, along withthe coffee shop because they still have CP's origanal graphic designs. If ANYTHING happens to the coffee shop, I will blow a fuse. CP used to be a game where anyone could have fun and there were stlyes for everyone. Now cp just can't stop changing their original graphic designs and making the remaning beta penguins want to quit. Club penguin now needs to be owned by another company that will make cp the way it used to be before all of the changes. I would do that myslef if I had the chance. The PSA would be brought back, the old parties would be brought back, old rooms will be brought back,old puffle looks will be brought back, old igloo designs would be brought bsck, andold furniture would be brought back.If I was the founder of cp, cp would be great again, not just a wimpy little kid site, because that is what it is rapidly turning into!

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