As some of you agents might know this, but for the non agents, Herbert is pretty well-known among cp, even for non agents. What you don't know, however, is how he came to Club Penguin. If you pay attention to this post, his history will be cleared up.
When Herbert was a little baby polar bear, he lived in the arctic circle. (north pole) He hated the cold, and...
His dream was to get warm and live on an island where it was warm with hot, sandy beaches.
So he hoppped on an iceberg to head for warmer weather. He only had melted iceberg water to drink, and kelp to eat. (ewwww)The weather did get warmer once he hit the equator. He probably did come close to an island but was asleep.
Soon, he came to Club Penguin and found that it was covered in snow too! He paddled away his ice berg, but it tipped and he fell into the ocean. Klutzy the Crab, rescued him from the water and brought Herbert to land.He began walking around and came across penguins, whom he hated. He grew more and more frustrated until he tried to destroy the island! of course we stopped him... Herbert is a vegitarian and will NOT eat meat, a hint for some missions.
This is herbert's history of how he came to Club Penguin. I hope this helped!
THANKS for all the FUN and WADDLE ON :)
8 years ago
Very cool post! :D