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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wilderness Expedition!

The Wilderness Party is out today, along with an awesome surprise.
You can find the entrance at the Dock, or just click on one of these here posters!
Once you're in the Glade, click on the box of FREE raccoon hats to claim yours.

Once that's done, you're ready to begin your wilderness adventure. YAY.
Follow the arrows in the pictures below to find your way through the totally-not-scary-forest.

Finally, once you get out of the forest, you'll encounter THIS contraption.

Click to enlarge

Just in case the image doesn't help, here's a step by step text guide for you:
1. Click on the plug.
2. Click on the jar of coffee beans.
3. Click on the nozzle of the coffee machine.
4. Click on the coffee pot.
5. Click the green button on the barrel.
6. Click on the small buttons as they light up on the panel to the right of the barrel.
7. Pull the blue switch.
8. Play the piano by clicking the green keys.
9. The transmitter will catch on fire! Put it out with 3 snowballs.
10. Play the piano again.
11. Click on the green button on the platform holding the telephone.
12. Click all of the yellow squares.
13. Pull the 2 levers.
14. Turn the gray valve.
15. Pull the lever dangling above the telephone.
16. Click the bottle of hot sauce.
17. Click on the big container of water.
18. Once the temperature lowers, click the vents in front of the tiny fan.
19. Click on the toaster.
20. Throw snowballs at the target that pops up until barrel "elevator" rises up to the platform.

Once in the next room, first buy a Life Jacket! (Sorry Non-Members, you can't go any further than this room :C)
Now you need to build a boat. The note on the iceburg with all the pieces on it can give you a pretty good idea of how to build it. Here's how it's supposed to look in the end.
You can't ride the boat 'till you have your life jacket on, so put it on and set sail!
Once you dock at the next room, you'll need to enter the cave. first.

YUS! Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you: the Brown Puffle!
You can adopt one for FREE! But you can only get one. Naturally I made a poop joke and named mine Dookie, but if you're looking to do the same, there aren't too many funny poop-related names CP will allow. Awww. Once you adopt your little bundle of lovin', it'll walk around with you.
Once you're all set, finish your adventure by exiting to the Cove!
I, for one, think Club Penguin did a pretty swell job on this party. I hope to see more stuff like this in the future!

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