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Friday, December 31, 2010

A note about Chat

So lately there've been a lot of folks swearing and being little turdstains on our chat boxes, most notably on the Rockhopper chat (which has been removed).
I don't know if it's because we don't really have any rules for it or if it's because you think you're cool because you swear over the internet. Either way, seeing as how this site is family-friendly, it means the chat needs to be, too. Starting today, anyone who swears on the chat gets a 48 hour ban. Anyone who swears and then proceeds to spam the board will get a permanent ban. Also starting today, we're laying down some new rules for it.
NO SWEARING: swearing involves any words you wouldn't say in front of you parents.
NO SPAMMING: you don't need more than 1 post to say hello.
NO BEING RUDE TO THE MODS/OWNERS: You should already know not to do this. Results in a 48 hour ban to a permanent ban.

Anyone who visits the chat from time to time might've seen me issuing a warning to people who swear on the chat, and know how mad I get about it. We WILL remove the chat from the site if this problem doesn't cool down.

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